Saturday 23 June 2012

last moments study at USM part 1

 scenery at padang golf USMKK...
 beautiful white flower
 still not satisfied with this picture
 the grass's flower
 in early morning, with fresh dew

 walked through this road during morning was very relaxing
 like a fantasy
 love to see the sky view
 might be i love to take picture of grass but i dont like the smell of it, make me dizzy

 this was cheezy pizza, i wonder why it looked like that..mmm..however, its so yummy
 most of the dish i used this.. but not with the dessert
 sharp bin.. for sharp things only
 this capture when visited at welfare as they enjoyed chatting..bla.bla..
 you're busted!! hehe.. Yurui shocking face..
 KeeKee also known as examiner of class, love to give comments on our Viva presentation. someday, she may become lecturers...hhee, gud luck!
 no comment...
 sweet girls.

 Nick- very talented in making mango pickle (jeruk pauh)
 she has same hobby with me, photography
 health examination booth
 they were vulnerable group that we need to appreciate

Nice shot, KeeKee speaking in Hokkien, I'M sorry coz didn't understood what both of them discuss..


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